Cosmic Odyssey: A Hostile Solo campaign. Episode 15: Chaos building.
Sanford Rains is still thought to be aboard the Maxim.
Dr Kory Novara has some kind of xenomorphic parasite inside her which is causing hallucinations for both her and now Captain Dominick Sambrano as he was showered with infected spittle (yuck).
Chief Jerry Vasconcelos after an argument with his old friend Sambrano took off to the nearby cave system to search for the origin of a mayday signal.
Ship’s scientist Jack Leftwich is now hunkered down in the Armadillo outside said cave system while Chief is on the verge of a gun battle with at least one Con-Am goon deep inside the cave.
Sambrano is seeing this due to some kind of hallucinogenic projection courtesy of the xenomorph tainted spit Dr Novara covered him with.
Make sense? Thought not, here we go.
OK, so we’ll roll for how many Com- AM goons there are.
Roll 1D6-1: 1. Ok so just a straggler.
Let’s roll for initiative. Medium range 8+ needed.
Chief rolls 2D6: 8, on the nose.
The Com-Am goon rolls 2D6: 7. Chief gets to act first.
I think since Sambrano saw the Con-Am guy trying to flank Chief it’s going to be a firefight.
Chief peeked over the boulder and ducked back quickly. Cursing under his breath as he couldn’t see the blue and yellow uniform of the Con-Am security goon.
The sound of rocks falling, a thud and a muffled curse tipped him off that his opponent was almost outflanking him.
The big man popped up from behind the boulder located his target as the shadowy figure was getting back to his feet after slipping on some loose rocks and squeezed off several shots.
Chief rolls to see if he hits the Con-Am security guy.
Roll 2D6: 4, misses.
The helmeted figure looks up just in time as the Chief pulled the trigger and dove behind a rocky outcrop as the bullets whistled and whined harmlessly off the rock where he’d been crouching.
Does Sambrano snap out of the hallucinogenic trance? 50/50
Roll 2D6: 2/2, No.
Helplessly the watches as Chief ducks back behind the rocks.
Back in the medical bay, Jamal’s comms crackled into life.
“Gunshots”, static crackle… “Know what’s going on!”
Jamal snatched up his receiver, “Jack, what’s the sitrep, over?”
A blast of static answered him.
“Shit! Jack if you can hear me bring the Armadillo back so we can come get the chief.”
Did Jack receive enough of the message? Likely
Roll 2D6: 5/6, yes and… he was already in the driver’s seat and promptly peels out and heads back towards the Odessey.
Does he drive back without issue? (Vehicle 2 skill.)
Roll 2D6+2: 9(+2): 11.
He speeds back around the planet surface expertly avoiding any issues until he screeches back into the landing bay.
” Kristi, stay here.” Jamal barked as he raced out of the med bay and back towards the idling Armadillo waiting for him.
To avoid a bad reaction, we need an 8+.
Roll 2d6: 2, lol fun times ahead.
Roll 1D6 for the reaction: 4 (A choice has been made and the character does not like it.
They refuse to co-operate unless things are changed.)
Kristi Lacap stared after Jamal for a split second as he ran from the med bay.
“Fuck that! Jamal, hold up.” She shouted as she raced after him.
As she laid on the bed and stared vacantly up at the ceiling, Dr Novara’s throat bulged impossibly as the segmented body of the xenomorph forced its way up her esophagus.
Curled up in a fetal position beside the bed, Sambrano let out a pain filled moan as his eyes flicked back and forth under heavy eyelids.
Jack Leftwich jumped down from the cab of the Armadillo and almost collided with Jamal as he raced into the landing bay.
“What are you doing?” The ex-marine demanded.
Leftwich frowned, “Bringing the armadillo back like you asked.” He responded with more than a little frustration in his voice.
“Right, but we need to go grab the Chief.”
Leftwich shook his head, “I’ve been out there twice, I’m done with this cowboy shit. You’re the landing team, you get him.”
Jamal gritted his teeth, fists balling as he took a menacing step towards the scientist.
“Jamal, I told you to hold up.” Lacap arrived in the landing bay, sealing up her HES suit.
“What are you doing here?” Jamal demanded.
“Going with you to get the Chief.” She responded as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.
“You need to stay with the doc and the skipper.”
Kristie shook her head stubbornly, “You go back out there I’m going with you. We’re a team.”
“I’ll check on the captain and Kory.” Leftwich put in, “I have the medical skill they need.”
Jamal looked from Lacap to Leftwich with uncertainty, “Ah shit, all right. Kristi, you drive.”
With a small whoop Lacap pushed past Leftwich and hopped up into the drivers compartment of the Armadillo.
“Leftwich, they’re in the med bay.” Jamal shouted over the noise of the engine gunning as Lacap put the armored vehicle into gear.
“I go it, I got it.” Leftwich muttered and waved the ex-marine off as he hurried out of the landing bay.
Jamal watched him go, “Prick.” He muttered as he slammed the side hatch shut and the Armadillo roared down the landing ram, back out onto the planet surface.
Leftwich reaches the med bay and immediately checks on Sambrano and Dr Novara.
Medical check to give the captain a stimulant that will bring him out of the hallucinogenic trance.
Roll 2D6 (+3 med skill): 7+3, a result of 10 is a success.
Captain Sambrano groaned and sits up on the floor of the med bay.
He then checks the doc to make sure she is stable.
Roll 2D6 (+3 med skill): 9+3, a result of 11 is a success.
The systems indicate Dr Novara is stable and comfortable, everything looks normal.
Is the xenomorph still inside Dr. Novara, unlikely.
Roll 2D6: 5/4 yes.
The Armadillo bounced its way across the surface of the planet, the yawning hole of the cave system barely visible in the distance.
“Floor it, Lacap.” Jamal growled from the passenger compartment into the comms of the Armadillo cabin
Kristi Lacap makes a vehicle check
Roll 2D6: 6, a failure.
The engine roars as the Armadillo leaps forward careering across the surface. As she fights with the wheel the Armadillo clips a particularly nasty rocky outcrop.
So, let’s try a task resolution to retain control of the Armadillo as she hits a rocky outcrop as they speed across the surface back towards the cave.
Roll 2D6: 12, big success.
With a curse the ex-marine wrestled the wheel back under control, got the wheels of the Armadillo back onto the surface and sped the rest of the way to the cave system uneventfully as she scanned the surface for any more obstacles.
Dominick Sambrano took a sip of water as he watched Leftwich work on Kory Novara. The medical equipment beeped and hummed contentedly as her vital signs showed no signs of distress.
“I need to get back to engineering and fix the plasma coils.”
“What’s going on with it?” Leftwich asked, not even looking up.
“Not sure but it looks like someone screwed with it.” Sambrano headed towards the door, “Let me know if there’s any change in the Doc’s condition.”
“Will do.”