Sanford Rains is hidden away in the bowels of the Maxim, up to who knows what.
Chief has gone into the cave system under the Odyssey to find the origin of a mayday signal. Ship’s scientist Jack Leftwich accompanied the Chief but remained on the Armadillo armored transport to “cover” him.
Leftwich has left a garbled message to the rest of the crew on the bridge of the Odyssey. Just as they were about to make a plan to save the Chief, the ship’s doctor, Kory Novara made an appearance on the bridge having been comatose in the sick bay.
Sambrano lowered Kory slowly to the floor. “Grab her feet, we need to get her back to the sick bay.”
Jamal Cusolito reached down and lifted her in unison with the captain. Several minutes later Kory was back in the sick bay and hooked up the medical equipment.
Kristi Lacap has 0 for medical so at least no negative modifier. A check to see if Kory is stable once she’s been hooked back up to the medical equipment.
Roll 2D6: 5. A failure. Within seconds of being hooked back up alarms start going off and Kory starts convulsing.
“Shit Kristi, what’s wrong?” Sambrano demanded as he watched Kory’s convulsions worsen.
“I don’t know.” Kristi replied punching buttons on the bank of monitors and cursing quietly.
Another medical check for Kristi.
Roll 2D6: 6, another failure. Well crap this is going badly.
Jamal steps in and injects Kory with a syringe of clear liquid. Medical skill of 0.
Roll 2D6: 8, a success. Finally.
Kory’s convulsions begin to lessen, and she lays motionless but breathing more easily.
Kristi glances at Jamal and gives him a quick smile, “Thanks.”
The burly ex-marine nodded and continued to monitor Kory’s vital signs.
“I think she’s ok for a little while.” He mused as he double checked the readings.
As if on cue Kory sat bolt upright, “Dominick!”
Sambrano rushed to her side, “I’m here Kory, I’m here just relax.”
She clutched at her throat and began to cough. The skin on her neck bulged impossibly as a creature slid up and back down her esophagus, the segmented sections of its body clear against the stretched skin of her throat.
“What the hell is that?” Someone yelled in a panic
She gripped his shoulder and drew him close and seemed to try to say something. As she did so her body was wracked with a sudden coughing fit and showered Sambrano’s face with white spittle.
With a cry of surprise, he stumbled backwards and landed on the floor of the sick bay with a thump. He wiped at his face but stopped as his vision went black.
“Skipper, are you ok?” Jamal’s concerned voice echoed from somewhere behind him just as multicolored lights exploded in front of his eyes. Suddenly an overwhelming sensation of vertigo assaulted Sambrano, he squeezed his eyes shut, fighting the urge to throw up.
When he opened his eyes he was lying on his back, his fingers digging into soft earth beneath him.
“Throw the gun down.” The shout came from somewhere to his left.
“Nothing doing Hoss.” Came the familiar sounding reply.
“Chief?” Sambrano turned and saw he was standing in some kind of large cave, a group of white robed figures stood quietly away to his right.
The big engineer was crouched behind a large boulder, pistol gripped tightly in his hand.
“Chief!” Sambrano called out urgently as he saw a figure in a Con-Am security uniform creeping around some rocks, trying to flank the big engineer.
Jerry “Chief” Vasconcelos flinched and looked around in confusion, the pistol wavering uncertainly.
“Chief!” Sambrano shouted again.
Chief raised the pistol and fired several shots.
Oh a really good one! Creepy! Poor Kory.