The Cosmic Odyssey has landed on Planet AR811 and located a colony ship close to some dead lava tubes. The corporate sponsor of the mission has disappeared and the ship’s landing team of ex marines is ready to investigate the Maxim.
Captain Dominick Sambrano marched quickly onto the bridge.
“What do you mean he’s got the doc?”
Chief nervously ran a hand over his bald head as he punched up a new image on the main monitor.
Two figures moved across the sand towards the silent hulking mass that was the Maxim.
The monitor picture changed to a more zoomed in image.
Let’s check what the atmosphere of AR811 is like.
Roll 2D6: 4, thin atmosphere.
They are wearing survival masks with a small bottle of oxygen attached to their belt to be able to breathe.
Sanford Rains pushed the figure ahead of him. Doctor Kory Novara stumbled and fell to her knees. The survival mask slipped from her face as she struggled to regain her footing. A coughing fit gripped her as she struggled to replace the mask in the thin atmosphere of the planet surface.
Let’s make a stress roll for Kory.
Roll 2D6: 6, she fails. Result is she is stunned for one round and loses a point of INT temporarily.
Dominick and Chief watched the monitor as the doc struggled to regain her footing and replace her survival mask. A vicious blow from the butt of the pistol Rains held didn’t help matters.
Sambrano punched a button on the console in front of him, A picture of the loading bay appeared quickly followed by the face of Jamal Cusolito. “Jamal, Rains has got the doc and they’re heading towards the Maxim, get her back.”
Confusion briefly crossed the big marine’s face, “Will do, Captain.”
He stepped away from the screen and the three members of the landing team piled into the Armadillo. Within seconds the engine roared, and the landing ramp was lowered onto the shifting sand with a thump. Jerking forward the armored ATV rumbled down the ramp and onto the sand.
“I see them.” Kristi shouted as she twisted the wheel, sand spraying as she sent the Armadillo racing towards the hulking Maxim and the two figures struggling towards it.
Since Rains and Kory have a head start on the landing team, let’s see if they make it to the ship before the Armadillo intercepts them.
Do they reach the ship before the Armadillo, (Unlikely)
Roll 1D6: 5/4, Yes.
I think it would be an interesting time to roll for a survey problem.
Roll 1D66: 51, Wildlife poses a deadly hazard.
Well, that’s bad timing. lol
I rolled up a creature using the rules on the Hostile rules.
Type: Chaser (If the chasers outnumber the characters, they attack.),
Weight: 200lbs,
Weapons: Claws and stinger,
Armor of 2,
Damage 1D6,
Dex 13, End 17,
Speed 2,
Number appearing - 6 (oh boy!),
I’m thinking a large, dog sized desert scorpion (or six), this could get ugly.
As the Armadillo charges across towards the Maxim, several bumps in the sand became visible and begin to rise up.
Does the Armadillo hit one of these bumps as it rises? (50/50)
Roll 1D6: 3/3, No.
“Holy shit.” Kristi yanked the wheel and barely missed one of the rising bumps in the sand.
“What is it?” Jack Leftwich shouted up from the depths of his harnessed seat in the depths of the ATV.
The two ex-marines at the front of the Armadillo ignored his question.
“There, by that hatch.” Jamal pointed as Kristi turned the vehicle into another tight skid to avoid more of the creatures rising from the sand.
Does Rains get himself and Kory into the Maxim before the Armadillo arrives? (50/50)
Roll 1D6: 1/4, No.
Are the creatures near enough to engage? (50/50)
Roll 1D6: 1/1, No but… They are closing fast. 1D3 rounds before they arrive.
Roll 1D3: 2.
Let’s make stress rolls for Kristi, Jamal and Jack.
Roll 2D6: Need 8.
Kristi - 3, failed.
Jamal - 8, succeeded
Jack - 4, failed
Jamal hit a button on his survival suit and a perspex dome shot out from the back of the suit to encompass his head with a click and hiss of compressed gas.
“Come on, let’s go, let’s go.” He grabbed his rifle and headed to the back of the Armadillo but stopped at the rear door to look back for the others.
Kristi had her perspex helmet engaged but was pulling at her rifle which was tangled in the straps of the driver’s seat. Meanwhile Leftwich was hitting the buttons on his suit, trying to engage the helmet.
“Wait, wait, I’m not ready.” He shrieked. Jamal cursed, stepped forward and pushed the button that engaged the scientist’s perspex survival helmet with a whoosh and click.
“Now fucking move.” He roared as the scientist and marine stumbled past him and out on the blasted landscape of Planet AR811.
“What do you want to do Dom?” Chief watched the landing team advancing towards the Maxim.
“Shit, the girl.”
The chief glanced at Dominick in confusion, “What’s wrong?”
We don’t know where the girl is.” The captain grunted. He leaned over the console and punched the comms button.
“Vergis, come to the bridge.” He hesitated, “Please.”
Chief looked at him, an eyebrow raised, “Please?
Dominick Sambrano winced, “I know, but flies and vinegar you know the saying.”
Three minutes later, the door hissed open, and Vergis walked onto the bridge.
“What do you want? She stopped several feet away from them.
“You know Rains has run to the Maxim?” Dom asked icily.
Was Vergis aware Rains went to the Maxim? (50/50)
Roll 2D6: 3/2 No.
She walked forward frowning as she looked at the monitor.
“What are you doing?” She said quietly.
Was Rains able to get into the Maxim while the others were delayed in exiting the Armadillo? (Unlikely)
Roll 1D6: 1/1, No but… He is trying to open an airlock and is attacked by one of the scorpions.
He punched the large green button beside the airlock.
Grunting with effort Sanford Rains strained with the manual wheel to open the airlock.
Let’s get the encounter range
Roll 2D6: 6, 48 meters.
Initiative for Rains and Kory: Roll 2D6: 7
Initiative for the scorpion: Roll 2D6: 8
Scorpion acts first and scuttles up to close with Rains and Kory.
Does Rains continue to try and open the air lock? (50/50)
Roll 2D6: 5/2, Yes.
Is he able to open the airlock before the scorpion attacks? (50/50)
Roll 2D6: 2/5, No
The scorpion attacks Rains or Kory? (50/50)
Roll 1D6: 2, it attacks Rains as he struggles with the airlock
Claw #1 - Roll 2D6: 3, missed.
Claw #2 - Roll 2D6: 8, hit. 2 damage
Stinger - Roll 2D6: 8, hit. 1 damage, Rains (End is down to 5) tries an endurance roll to resist the poison.
Roll 2D6: 6, fails and takes an extra 2D6 damage.
Roll 2D6: 10 damage (ouch and yikes) 1D3 rounds till the poison hits: 3 rounds.
(0 End and 1 Str)
The scorpion lunged forward and Rains screamed like a little girl. The claw snapped and barely missed his arm. He yanked on the airlock wheel, desperately trying to turn it. It squealed as it began to give.
With a muffled cry of triumph Rains began to spin the wheel, just as the second claw clamped down on his arm and yanked him backwards. The stinger arched over the scorpion’s armor-plated body and jammed deep into Rains shoulder. He screamed and twisted pulling the stinger out with his free hand.
Let’s see if Rains got the airlock unlocked enough to get the door open.
Roll 2D6: 10, success. The door is unlocked, Rains swings it open and launches himself inside.
Is Kory able to get in without the scorpion attacking her (50/50)
Roll 2D6: 1/5, No
Claw #1 - Roll 2D6: 9, a hit, 1D6 damage: 6
Claw #2 - Roll 2D6: 7, a miss
Stinger - Roll 2D6: 8, a hit, 5, End roll to avoid poison damage: 3, failed
Poison damage is 2D6: 11 (damn this poison is rough) Poison affects Kory in one round.
We’ll roll to see if Rains helps her get in through the airlock.
Roll 2D6 +2: 9, she gets in through the airlock.
End 0, Str 0, Dex 3
Kory is unconscious.
Rains fell through the air lock as Kory landed on top of him. He kicked the air lock door closed and lay back panting as the poison coursed through his veins.
“What’s he doing over there?” Sambrano demanded of the girl.
They watched the air lock door close, and the scorpion slammed into the airlock door futilely.
With a grunt Vergis staggered sideways and tried to grab a console before she hit the floor and started convulsing.
“What in the hell?” Sambrano rushed to help the young girl.
Wow this is really great! I love reading your stuff! Such a good job writing and recording your dice rolls.